About Us

The Mission of Perth Hindu Temple

Is to be a focal point for Hindu worship, prayer, education, community and family life within the precepts of Hinduism and in the traditional role of a Hindu Temple and with God’s blessings to realise our dream of a beautiful Hindu Temple in Perth.

The purpose of the Temple would be a House of Worship and a House of Learning to promote and practice ideals of Hinduism and Hindu religion through worship, education and teaching. For this purpose construct expand and operate a Hindu temple in Perth, Western Australia.

To recognize and respect other religions and belief systems in their proper context.

The Vision of Perth Hindu Temple

Is to enhance the religious experience for all in our diverse congregational community. The temple will strive to conduct religious, spiritual, educational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of the Hindu community and the wider interested audience.

Temple will try and undertake planned expansion of programs, membership, activities and facilities in a carefully prepared implementation plan that will strictly adhere to the mission statement of the Temple.

Temple will seek constantly ways and means to preserve and embellish Hindu traditions & cultural heritage.

The History of Perth Hindu Temple

Like a compassionate Guru, like a loving mother, the temple bestows spiritual upliftment and material prosperity to the individual and to the society as a whole.

The idea of a Hindu Temple in Perth had been a topic of discussion for some years before its birth on the 16th June 1985 at an informal gathering of friends at the Australia Asia Hall. The Association was formalised with a protem committee on 14th September the same year in the presence of Mata Ajaypriyananda of Sydney Ramakrishna Mission, who happened to be visiting Perth that day. All Hindu community groups embraced the idea and were represented in the protem committee.

The purchase of the Temple site at Huntingdale was inspired by fervent prayers to Shri Ramakrishna. It was approved by the AGM on 10th August 1986. Later, Swami Shantanandaji Saraswati on his first visit to the site, commented “It is a very auspicious place. A great soul meditated here for many years.”

Swami Shantanandaji consecrated the land with three days of Navaratri Puja from 29th September to 1st October 1987. An all night homam under a small tent and the stars was held on the final navami night with the chanting of Chamunday Devi mantra. Swamiji did the prana prathishta of Devi Amman that evening and gifted it to us for the Temple. It was an electrifying experience.

On Krishna Janamashtami, 3rd September 1988, Swamiji was with us again at the Temple site to consecrate the place where the Temple now stands. Our water bore was inaugurated that day. Various stones, grains, bricks and jewellery items were placed under the soil amidst very emotional scenes. He also consecrated and presented us with Lord Shiva that day.

The construction of the building commenced in March 1989 around Shivratri. It was completed in 1990 and the icons, including that of Lord Ganesha (donated by Dr.Sivendran family), were installed in their present place over a three day ceremony from 7th to 9th February, 1990 ( Thai Poosam ). On Ramnavami, a month or so later, a Chinese gentleman dropped by at the Temple and said he had an Indian wooden sculpture which, in his dreams had been demanding to be taken to an Indian Temple. A few hours later he left a beautiful sculpture of Hanumanji with us.

A constant stream of Swamis have visited the Temple since its opening. In May 1992, Swami Haridas Giri visited us and early the following year sent to us the icons of Lord Vishnu and Lord Subramanya with their consorts. These were installed on the Guru Poornima day on 3rd July 1993. Although we had not made any such plans, miraculously again, Swami Damodaranandaji and Swami Shridharanandaji Maharaj, of Ramakrishana Mission Fiji and Lucknow respectively, visited us at the Temple that day.

The presence of such great souls and their blessings has given this Temple the sanctity, the force of goodwill and the love that It constantly exudes. Our scriptures tell us that it is the sankalpa of a Mahatmaa who does the installation ( prana prithishta) of the Murti which causes the omnipresent to shine forth in the image.

By praying here many people have been transformed, others have found solace, many more have found their Sadgurus and others have come to see their spiritual benefactors in a different light.

The Temple is a mirror in which we should behold ourselves. As Mata Amritanandamayi says:

“Your heart is the real Temple. It is there that you must install God. Good thoughts are the flowers to be offered to Him. Good actions are the worship. Good words are the hymns. Love is the divine offering.” Shanker Madan

Temple Committee Members

S.No Position Committee Members
1 President Shri Muthukrishnan Nachiappan
2 Vice President Shri Ben Naidu
3 Secretary Shri Murali Viswanathan
4 Assistant Secretary Shri Sri Indrakanthan Kandasamy
5 Treasurer Shri Kunalan Subramaniam
6 Assistant Treasurer Shri Keshav Jeyamohan
7 Committee Member Shri Jayaseelan Marimuthu
8 Committee Member Smt Babu Geethalakshmi
9 Committee Member Smt Bindiya Manchanda
10 Committee Member Shri Mahadeva Chelliah
11 Committee Member Shri Srinivasan Kandadai
12 Committee Member Shri Hari Chillapa
13 Committee Member Shri Ramkrishna Bansal
14 Immediate Past President Shri Ganasan Arujunan

Board of Trustees

S.No Position  Members
1 Trustee (Chairperson) Shri A R Krishnan
2 Trustee Shri N.Ramkumaran
3 Trustee Shri Atul Garg JP
4 Trustee Shri Sanal Kumar
5 Trustee Shri Krishna Ambalavaner
6 Trustee Shri Arumugam Kalaimani
7 Trustee Shri V.Senathirajah

Temple Priests

S.No Position Temple Priests
1 Kurrukal Kurrukal Babu Ayyah
2 Kurrukal Kurrukal Mohan Ayyah
3 Kurrukal Kurrukal Sivakumar Ayyah

Sub – Committees

Religious Sub Committee - To be Updated Soon

Infrastructure Development Sub Committee (IDSC) - To be updated soon