The Mission of Perth Hindu Temple.
Is to be a focal point for Hindu worship, prayer, education, community and family life within the precepts of Hinduism and in the traditional role of a Hindu Temple and with God’s blessings to realise our dream of a beautiful Hindu Temple in Perth.

Religious Calender 2024-2025
The Mission of Perth Hindu Temple.
Is to be a focal point for Hindu worship, prayer, education, community and family life within the precepts of Hinduism and in the traditional role of a Hindu Temple and with God’s blessings to realise our dream of a beautiful Hindu Temple in Perth.
The purpose of the Temple would be a House of Worship and a House of Learning to promote and practice ideals of Hinduism and Hindu religion through worship, education and teaching. For this purpose construct expand and operate a Hindu temple in Perth, Western Australia.
To recognize and respect other religions and belief systems in their proper context.

The Vision of Perth Hindu Temple.
Is to enhance the religious experience for all in our diverse congregational community. The temple will strive to conduct religious, spiritual, educational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of the Hindu community and the wider interested audience.
Temple will try and undertake planned expansion of programs, membership, activities and facilities in a carefully prepared implementation plan that will strictly adhere to the mission statement of the Temple.
Temple will seek constantly ways and means to preserve and embellish Hindu traditions & cultural heritage.
Temple Opening Hours

Monday – Sunday
Morning 6.00 am – 12:00 noon | Evening 6.00 pm – 9:00 pm
*Devotees are requested to check with the administration, notice board, social media or the website for updates or flyers if and when issued closer to the events.
*The HAWA Management measures are aligned with the protocols and directions from the Federal and State Government. We will update as soon as there is any change in the situation.