Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
Temple Pooja Timing is Changed
The Significance of Homams
Homams are poojas performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni – the God of fire. Homam or fire sacrifice is an auspicious way of accessing the divinity within us and manifesting it externally. Fire, unlike earth (solid) and water (liquid), is the first element that is able to make an upward transition, defying as it were, gravity (representing our limitations and attachments). It is this elevating property of the fire – a manifestation of grace and compassion of the goddess – that allows the divine purpose of our lives to find expression and be manifest here and now.

Ganapathy Homam
Before starting any new venture or anything afresh, Ganesh Homam is must. If one is suffering from losses, when starting a new business or investments or when one is getting married, or to remove obstacles or for celebration of your or your child's birthday, Maha Ganpathy Homam is recommended.

Lakshmi Kubera Homam
The word 'Lakshmi' is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksh, meaning "goal." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. The golden coins falling on the ground from the front left hand of Lakshmi illustrate that She provides wealth and prosperity to her devotees.

Mrityunjaya Homam
Mrityunjaya Homam is done for a long and healthy life and to get rid of prolonged sickness. Especially for those on their deathbed. Mrityunjaya Homam is performed for Lord Shiva to protect the person suffering from the ailments. Lord Shiva represents the aspect of the Supreme Being and is considered to be the destroyer of evil and sorrow.

Sudarshana Homam
This homam is done to worship Sri Sudarshana Chakra Devata. This Chakra is a weapon which Lord Krishna, the incarnation of God Shri Maha Vishnu used to protect his sister Draupadi. By doing this homam, one can win over enemies, be settled in life and becomes successful in business and also to stop the bad effects for bad evils, legal problems and desire fulfillment.

Santhana Gopala Homam
This Homam is performed with prayers to Lord Vishnu. The devotee performing this Homam is believed to gain healthy successors and all success in his ventures. The mantras spelled during the homam glorifies Lord Vishnu as the Purusha or the primitive being with innumerable heads, eyes, and feet.

Navagraha Homam
Navagraha Homam is a combined Homam for all the nine planets and is divided into nine parts. Navagraha Homam is an extremely useful & beneficial Homam since its worship strengthens benefic planets & increases their positive influence and pacifies malefic planets & neutralizes their negative effect.

Ayush Homam
This Homam is performed to Lord Shiva, so that the devotee performing this homam will get longevity in life. apa mrityu, Akala Maranam etc., are terms indicating untimely and unfortunate death. Many combinations of planets presage such undesirable possibility.

Danvantri Homam
Lord Danvantri is the Lord of Medicine. This Homam is performed for a disease-free life and seeking relief from specific illness and diseases.

Sri Durga Homam
Sri Durga Homam protects humans from the happening of all evils, and blesses with success, peace, abundance, and prosperity. It is also removing obstacles or blocks in growth and serves as significant Homam for Navagraha Dosa parihara.